Thursday, February 10, 2011

Performa for Details of Alumni

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Dear Alumni,

With warm greeting, we would like to inform you that the “Alumni Cell” of CST Mundgod has been initiated with the aim to bring together all former students, staffs and have a regular info exchange among them, which would create a scene of continuity. For this, we would like to create a date bank of information of all our alumni, so that we can keep in constant touch with each other. Please fill the pro forma to contribute towards your own alma mater:

1.      Personal Details:
a)      Your period of study in CST Mundgod from……………………   to……………………………...
b)     Are you boarder or day scholar: ……………………………………………………………………
c)      Title (Mr./Ms./Dr): …………………………………………  Forename(s):……………………….
d)     Date of Birth: ……………………… Marital Status: ………… Spouse: ………………………....
e)      Child/Children: ……………………………… No. of Dependents:……………………………….
f)      Email: ………………………………………. Tel:.............................. Mobile:……………………

2.      Address Details:
Parental Address (if): Address Lines ……………………………………………………………..
                                 City: ………………………………..     State: ……………………………...
                                 Country: …………………………… Pin No :  …………………………….
Present Address (if): Address Lines ………………………………………………………………
                                 City: ………………………………….     State: ……………………………
                                 Country: …………………………. Pin No :  ……………………………….
3.      Present Status: ………………………………………………………………………………….....
4.      Personal Achievements: ……………………………………………………………………..……
5.      Ambition: ………………………………………………………… ................................................
6.      Skills: ………………………………………………………………………………........................
7.      Your reminiscences in the school: …………………………………………………………….....
8.      If any CST Mundgod Alumni who you are in touch with:
i.                 Name: ………………………………… Email:…………………Country: ………………
ii.               Name: ………………………………… Email:…………………Country: ………………
iii.              Name: ………………………………… Email:…………………Country: ………………
iv.              Name: ………………………………… Email:…………………Country: ………………
v.                Name: ………………………………… Email:…………………Country: ………………

P.S: All the provided information will remain confidential. Data is used solely for alumni activities, notification of alumni events, Fund raising programs and for the promotion of benefits and services. Please return this pro forma with one photograph for inclusion in CST Mundgod Alumni record.


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